Author name: Dr. Ahmed Abo Elkhier

A new Retreatment Case of lower first molar

🔴A new Retreatment Case of lower first molar with periodontal complication and mobility grade 1 . 🔴 after 3 weeks of intracanal medication and root canal disinfection the tooth was clinically asymptomatic with no signs of mobility or pain . 🔴 obturation done using my favourite bio-ceramic sealer nRoot From Delta Dent . 🔴Mechanical preparation …

A new Retreatment Case of lower first molar قراءة المزيد »

A retreatment Case of upper left Central with symptomatic periapical periodontitis

A retreatment Case of upper left Central with symptomatic periapical periodontitis a patient came to out clinic suffering from pain fron m a previously treated upper left centre on clinical examination the tooth was tenadre to percussion and pressure , also a painful spot on the buccal vestibule was detected , there was no signs …

A retreatment Case of upper left Central with symptomatic periapical periodontitis قراءة المزيد »

a case of irreversible pulpitis of lower left first molar with calcifiction in the pulp champer + partially calcified canals

a case of irreversible pulpitis of lower left first molar with calcifiction in the pulp champer + partially calcified canals a patient came to our clinic with sever pain in the lower left side , on clinical examination the lower first molar was found to have an old white restoration which apeared to have leaky …

a case of irreversible pulpitis of lower left first molar with calcifiction in the pulp champer + partially calcified canals قراءة المزيد »

A retreatment Case for upper right Central

A retreatment Case for right upper Central a patient came to our clinic with sever pain in the upper right central , the tooth was tendre to percusion with old bad white restoration . on radiographic examination tooth was found to have old endodontic treatment , the obtuatrion material was short and a periapical radiolucency …

A retreatment Case for upper right Central قراءة المزيد »

Badly Decayed Lower first molar with calcified canals

a patient with sever pain on the lower right side came to our Clinic on clinical examination we found A lower first molar which is painful on bitting and tender to percusion with zero response to sensetivity test this molar had an old failure amalgam restoration and deep carious lesion reaching the gingival margin lingually …

Badly Decayed Lower first molar with calcified canals قراءة المزيد »

Coalescence of buccal and palatal roots of upper second premolar

an Endodontic treatment for upper second premolar premolars some times can be deceiving in the following case every thing appeared normal on direct X-ray view on preoperative radiograph , it’s just proximal carious lesion and 2 canals in a single root . while negotiating canals it was very difficult to reach patency on the buccal …

Coalescence of buccal and palatal roots of upper second premolar قراءة المزيد »

Upper Second molar with long Root canals and a very limited mouth opening Case

Upper Second molar with long Root canals and a very limited mouth opening Case – in such cases we are struggling to get a fine preparation without altering canal anatomy or make a ledge , broken files also are our greatest nightmares in such cases . – with the help of such flexible file TC …

Upper Second molar with long Root canals and a very limited mouth opening Case قراءة المزيد »