Anatomy can be some times Confusing
this is a maxillary first molar with partial fusion between the distobuccal root and the palatal root .

mesiobuccal root = usually broad buccopalataly with 2 canals called MB1 and MB2 but not always .

distobuccal root = it has a high percentage to be conical in shape with single round canal ,a less percentage to be broad buccolingual like mesiobuccal root with single or double canals , and a lower percentage to be fused with palatal canal which is found more in upper second molar , but not always .

Palatal root = usually broad mesiodistally with a single wide canal which is broad mesiodistally but not always .
in conclusion we still have 3 roots are so called MB , DB , P roots which are not even in length or width or number of canals even if they get fused .